Building the Future from the Ground Up

Fact sheet


Fact Sheet Biochar In Compost

FACT SHEET: Biochar in CompostDigital version of the USBI

US Forest Service: Biochar is a Wood Innovation Success Story

Thanks to USBI, Biochar Is a US Forest Service Wood Innovation Success Story

USBI Briefing Paper: Biochar and Western Forests – A Win-Win Solution to Benefit Forest Restoration, Climate, and Sustainable Economies

USBI Briefing Paper: Biochar and Western Forests – A Win-Win Solution to Benefit Forest Restoration, Climate, and Sustainable Economies The Problem:…

Composting with Biochar

Ideally, in composting you get paid a decent fee to receive, process and create a quality product. But what happens when it doesn’t go quite right ?

Biochar and Pesticides

This short summary from the National Pesticide Information Center reviews the effects of biochar on pesticides in soil. Biochar can bind to…

What is Biochar and How is it Used?

Basic three page Biochar Fact Sheet from Utah State University Extension.

What Is Biochar and How Diferent Biochars Can Improve Your Crops

This basic introductory fact sheet on biochar from the University of Tennessee covers the following topics: Potential Use of Biochar as an Amendment;…


In Brazil's Central Amazonian Basin scientists have studied how these farm