Building the Future from the Ground Up

ALBERT BATES, Author, Global Ecovillage Network

Albert Bates is author of more than 20 books on history, science and the environment including Climate in Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect and What You Can Do (1990) with foreword by Al Gore; The Biochar Solution: Carbon Farming and Climate Change (2009) with foreword by Vandana Shiva; The Paris Agreement: the Best Chance We Have to Save the One Planet We've Got (2015) with foreword by Rex Weyler; and, with Kathleen Draper, Burn: Igniting a New Carbon Drawdown Economy to End the Climate Crisis (2018). 

Mr. Bates holds diplomas in political science, law and permaculture and certifications in emergency medicine, horse mastership, regrarian design, and forest management. He is founder (1974) and president of Global Village Institute for Appropriate Technology, a non-profit scientific research, development and demonstration organization with projects on six continents. 

Mr. Bates focuses on commercial climate stabilization using off-the-shelf hardware and methodologies that let nature do the work. He serves on the boards of the Cloudburst Foundation and NOAH Regen and is an Ambassador for Ecosystem Restoration Camps and the Global Ecovillage Network.